What is EB Online Tutoring Credit Card Charge For?

Credit Card Charge

Has it ever happened to you that you check your credit card statement and find a charge that you don’t recognize? It’s possible you might find an EB Online Tutoring charge and wonder what an EB online tutoring credit card charge is. That might puzzle you and make you believe you have been scammed.

But don’t worry!

We are here to help you. In this blog, we will explain what EB Online Tutoring is and the reasons why you might see its charge on your credit card. That might help ease your stress and offer you guidance on where to look to clear the confusion.

What is EB Online Tutoring?

EB online tutoring

EB Online Tutoring helps students with their studies by connecting them with tutors who teach a wide range of subjects. These sessions are conducted online so they give students the flexibility and freedom to learn from anywhere.

They mainly have 2 types of teaching modes-

1. One way is one-on-one sessions with the tutor. In this, the tutor can give his / her full and undivided attention to the student. That can also help them create a personalized teaching plan for the student that will help them learn efficiently.

2. The second way is group sessions with other students where students can learn in a collaborative environment. This is particularly helpful in developing team work and working in a group setting.

EB Online Tutoring also has dedicated programs to help students prepare for SATs and ACTs.

3 Reasons Why You Might See EB Online Tutoring Credit Card Charge

Now, let’s discuss the reasons why you might see a credit card charge for EB Online Tutoring.

1. Subscription or Membership

One of the ways EB Online Tutoring works is through subscription. It is possible you may have subscribed for its services, and now, every month, its subscription charges are showing on your credit card statement.

It’s exactly how Netflix works. When you subscribe to it, it charges you every month. These recurring charges show up every month on your credit card.

2. One-Time Purchases

EB Online Tutoring also offers one-time lessons or classes for which you have to pay only once. It is possible you opted for one study session for yourself or any of your family members instead of taking a subscription. Maybe you wanted to try their service before committing for a longer period.

If that is the case, that one-time charge will show up on your credit card bill. SInce it is not a recurring charge, it will not show up on subsequent bill cycles.

3. Family Member or a Friend

If you feel you have neither taken the subscription nor the one-time session and you still see EB Online Tutoring charge on your credit card, it is time to ask your family members. Maybe your spouse or kid used your credit card to subscribe or take a single session.

If any of your friends have access to your credit card, you can ask them if they used it to pay for the tutoring service. Maybe they needed that service for any of their family members. It is a good idea to reach out to those people first.

Wrapping Up

The first thing to do when you don’t recognize a charge on your credit card bill is to not panic. Take a step back and think whether you made a payment for it and it slipped your mind. It is natural to go into panic mode, but it is prudent to act wisely.

If you are wondering what an EB online tutoring credit card charge is and why you are seeing it on your statement, we advise you to check the tips we have mentioned. At Finbuzz, we are always trying to find ways to make your life less stressful where finances are concerned.

If you follow our advice, we are sure you will find that peace of mind you are looking for.


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