7 Ways to Get Higher Interest Rates on Saving Accounts

Higher Interest Rates on Saving Accounts
Higher Interest Rates on Saving Accounts

It’s more challenging to earn higher interest rates on saving accounts. In search of high interest rates, people look for various options that are available to them.

It’s common for interest rates to differ between savings accounts compared to traditional ones, which usually provide low interest rates. But you need not worry—we’ve got you covered!

In this guide, we’ll explore numerous ways of earning interest apart from your basic bank savings account. Let’s begin with seven excellent ways to earn higher interest rates on savings accounts.

7 Ways to Get Higher Interest Rates on Saving Accounts

1. Consider Age-based Savings Accounts

Age-based savings accounts, tailored for different life stages, offer unique benefits. For instance, senior citizen savings accounts often provide higher interest rates than regular ones, making them a smart choice for those in their golden years.

You must consider increasing your savings and earning higher interest if you’re a senior citizen. Suppose you fall under something other than the senior citizen category. In that case, you should consider investing your money in your parents’ savings account or other older family members to avail the benefits.

2. Compare Bank Offers

Are you actively comparing different bank offers? If not, it’s time to take control of your financial decisions! We always advise our readers to compare bank offers from other institutions. This way, you can pick the best savings account that suits your needs and earns higher interest rates. 

Let’s compare different banks and see what they offer.

Bank NameSavings Account NameAPY (%)Feature(s)
Ally BankAlly Savings Account 4.20%24*7 customer support 
Alliant Credit Union Alliant High-Rate Savings3.10%Easy to join
Barclays Barclays Online Savings 4.35%Minimum account balance is $0
Capital One 360Capital One 360 Performance Savings 4.25%Access to branch 
Discover® BankDiscover® Online Savings Account 4.25%No minimum opening deposit 
Synchrony BankSynchrony High-Yield Savings4.75%No minimum balance required 

Some banks offer the same interest rates for savings accounts, whereas some offer incentives. You can compare the basic interest rates online before opening a savings account. 

3. Maintain Sufficient Deposits

Maintaining a higher account balance provides a safety net during emergencies and boosts your savings and return rates. This, in turn, can generate higher interest rates on your savings accounts, making it a simple yet effective strategy to consider.

4. Utilize the Auto-sweep Facility

The auto-sweep facility can link multiple FDs to your bank savings account. After linking, you can activate the auto-sweep facility on fixed deposits that permit you to withdraw the amount without breaking the total amount. This is the ideal way to get higher interest rates on savings accounts, especially from your current FDs, without compromising on the liquidity of savings accounts.

5. Consider Different Saving Account Options

Choosing different savings account options will help you get higher interest rates on savings accounts. And for this, you must ensure that you select a bank offering insurance from the U.S. FDIC government. If you’re banking with a credit union, select the savings account insured by the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration).

6. Open a Recurring Deposit

Opening a recurring deposit will let you earn higher interest rates on savings accounts. RDs provide better and higher interest rates than regular savings accounts, which offer huge returns on your savings or the money invested.

The RD interest rates may vary and depend on essential factors such as depositors’ age, bank, and duration of the deposits. Senior citizens are now more eligible to earn higher interest rates on RDs. Nevertheless, the magic of compound interest can turn the tables in your favor by increasing your savings and earnings.

7. Open Multiple Saving Accounts

Opening multiple savings accounts for yourself is amongst the best options to increase savings rates. In this, the bank provides high annual percentage yields (APYs) and must not charge any monthly fees. 

Some options include allowing you to nickname the accounts to personalize those accounts with your future saving goals. Furthermore, consider some tips on using multiple saving account options:

  • Lock in strong rates
  • Usage of nicknames to personalize accounts
  • Check account limitations 
  • Check and confirm that FDIC insures your money
  • Avoid maintenance fees 

Banks that offer the facility to open multiple savings accounts are Ally Bank, with savings APY of 4.20%, and Discover® Bank, with Savings APY of 4.25%.

The Bottom Line 

Now that you have the seven ways of earning higher interest rates on savings accounts, converting things on your side will be much easier. A savings account not only means sacrificing interest to secure your financial future, but it has risen above all of it!

Moreover, you can quickly get the best and highest interest rates with thorough research and knowledge. So, remember to follow some essential tips to achieve your financial goals.

Happy Savings!


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